Friday, 29 June 2018

Breast Cancer A Case study

This is the information regarding  treatment for Breast Cancer.
A patient was identified a slow growth of thickening or lump in the right breast for 3 months.
Then thinking that lump is due to overheat she has neglected for 4months. After 4 months she experienced some constant pain in the armpit or in the upper part of the breast caused by that lump.
On 09-06-18 Saturdays
So she approached a private hospital. Doctor asked for chest Xray, Mammography test and FNAC and by observing X-ray result and Mammography result he referred to Cancer hospital.
FNAC test result was not received till 13-06-18 Wednesday.
At Cancer Hospital Doctor declared it as a Breast cancer which is in 3rd stage. And as a procedure of treatment he suggested surgery with 6 chemotherapies and if needed radiography therapy.
He suggested procedure as follows:-
3 chemotherapy s followed with surgery and 2 chemotherapy s after surgery. And if needed Radiography therapy.
"Total stages of cancer is 5
0th stage-it is in Early form - carcinoma in situ.
1st stage- At this stage cancer is small and it is at one place. Or Area.
2nd Stage- it has localised and increased larger
3rd stage- it has grown into near by tissues or lumpynodes.
4th stage- Metastasized-  the cancer has spread to other parts of the body"
"Then the patient and her family condition got worsen. Patient doesn't want to go for chemotherapy and surgery she was very frightened and tensed At this condition. Patient told that she may die early no problem but she don't want to go any surgery or treatment.
Then family searched for alternate procedures for treatment which can save her from surgery and Chemotherapy."
Then by surfing on web found an Ayurvedic medicine given by Sri. Narayana Murthy of 85 years age near shimoga Karnataka which is famous for Cancer, Diabetes And Kidney.
Most of the people from different states of india meet him for medicines.even foreigners also visited this place for the medicine.
By going through the particulars of medicine. Mr. Narayana Murthy takes bark from the trees in the forest near by and give it to patients with some instructions on the pamphlet.
He gives medicine for 28 day's to one Month.
He gives medicine only on two full days in a week Thursday And Sunday from 08.00 to 17.00hrs . He gives medicine on Wednesday and Saturday from 14.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs half day."
On 14th June 2018
Ayurvedic medicine was brought from him and as per the instructions given on the pamphlet it has been prepared.
And started taking medicine from Saturday I.e on 16.06.18.
Then Near about 26-06-18 patient was experienced some growth in the thickening lump with some pain. So they decided to take to a Central Government Hospital.
Consultation with doctor, he confirmed it as a T3N1 and advised to admit immediately.
He told that the patient has to undergo 4 chemotherapy s with an interval of 21 days . Duly reducing the size of lump or tumor. A surgery will be done and if required two more chemotherapy s has to be done as per requirement.
The above procedure will be followed by duly checking for all required  test s required to know the spread of cancer to various parts.
And corresponding Fitness tests for body to check whether she can withstand the treatment or Not.
Admitted in the hospital. The doctor wants checking the spread of cancer to Various parts of the body before starting the treatment .
1.First test was chest Xray on 27-06-2018 and found good. There are no marks of Tumor spread.
A test dose was given to hand for Biopsy test planned on 29-06-18.
2. Second Test was stomach scanning on 28-06-18. It was also found good as marks of cancer was not seen in the report.Normally it price 1000/-
3. On 29-06-18 Biopsy test was done.
Biopsy test is nothing but cutting some part of  lump and send that to Mumbai for test result. It usually takes 7 to 10 days for result.
4.On 30-06-18 Bone scanning. Its price is about 8000/-.

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