" Drug Free India" - Drug Addiction
If a youth caught in a drug trap
What a youth will gain
1. 3 to 4 hrs in state of toxication
2. Might be feeling free from all concerns
3. Free of all tensions and in a different world altogether
So how the drugs came to youth ? :-
These were came from the Anti-social elements in search of Money or from Drug Mafia
Where from the drugs came from?
The Major drugs will come from forest trees. Those are prepared by terrorists or Anti social elements
Source of Income of terrorists and Anti-social elements is the youth who come in addiction with the drugs
Q. Have you ever lent a thought to the fact that when you buy drugs where does the money go to?
Q. Have you ever thought about that
Q. Just make a guess. What if this drug money go to terrorists?
Q. What if this money spent by the terrorists to procure weapons?
And with this weapon the very some terrorists might be pumping bullets in the heart of our soldiers.
Soldiers get Martyred.
Q. Have you ever thought about our soldiers.
A soldier : -
1. Who is so dear to his mother
2. The treasured son of Mother India
3. The Brave son of the soil hit by a bullet.
Funded by the money spent on drugs
Now a days some people feel that when a person is in despair, faces failures and when he is directionless, he is an easy prey to drugs.
But I feel that people who lack ambition, do not have any set goals and targets, who have deep vaccum in their lives, are the ones where drugs will have an easy access.
E.g A Sportsman : who is motivated forever. he will go out for his workouts irrespective of any season.